This whole elevator trip was becoming a long, torturous endeavor.
The kid was wearing down and Sarge decided to let him sleep overnight. Ten hours later, they were back at it. There were only a few incidents and only a few floors crawling with the recent dead. That didn’t make it easy. Every time the group had to stop and fight those things, there were more ammunition wasted and nerves became more and more on edge.
Most of them slept in shifts. Those sleeping would be down below in the elevator and the others would stand watch. Sarge always made sure either he or the Lieutenant was with Donovan at all times. He was beginning to trust the Cajun female. But trust these days was earned and it wasn’t earned that quickly.
During the changing of shifts, as Donovan was climbing up top, Sarge arranged for him and Lt. Dean to be alone.
Leaning in, he spoke softly, “How is our ammunition?”
Dean looked exasperated as he put his hands on his hips, “LOW.”
“Can we make it to the checkpoint?” Sarge asked.
“I don’t know. If these people were all military, maybe. But that Alex can’t be trusted to shoot straight or conserve ammo in his condition.” The Lieutenant analyzed.
Sarge looked up as if looking for help, “What do you suggest? We take those guns from him? You think he’s unstable now?”
“No, sir. We just need to keep an eye on him. At least, we know Frank won’t run out of ammo.” Dean grinned.
“That’s what I’m afraid of. How do we know we won’t end up blown up or maybe with a sword shoved through us?” Sarge looked down into Dean’s eyes.
Lt. Dean sobered up, “He IS a danger to us all and we can’t trust him. Accidents happen. And, if they happen to him, no one will be crying over him.”
“Can’t. Gotta take him with us.” Sarge said solemnly.
“What do you mean, ‘gotta’?” Dean asked puzzled.
Sarge realized he had said too much, but, at this point, it didn’t make any difference,
“I have my orders. WE have our orders.”
Minutes later, the elevator was moving slowly down the shift once again. Dean was supposed to be sleeping down below with Frank, but they both knew that wasn’t going to happen. Sarge, Alex and Rachel stood watch; tensing up as every elevator door approached.
“Only a few floors left” Rachel announced scanning the darkness above them.
Sarge was looking over a map he had brought with him; using the flashlight in his mouth to illuminate it.
“Three to be exact. Once we enter the lobby, it’s out the front door and across the street.” The grizzled soldier said.
“What’s across the street?” Alex asked.
Sarge looked up, “A police station and, hopefully, more ammo and food.”
Rachel never took her eyes off the shadows, “And, then what?”
“We move south to Fort McPhearson and safety.” Sarge grinned unreassuringly.
“Wait! McPhearson? That’s got to be like ten miles from here!” Alex looked over at Sarge and protested.
Sarge didn’t look up, “5.1 miles; directly.”
Alex looked a bit nervous and shakey, “Well, once we get out there and start fighting our way through the streets, it’s gonna seem more like 5.1 days.”
“Which is precisely why we’re going to raid the police station across the road first. Maybe commendeer a vehicle. Maybe some armor.” Sarge started folding the map up.
“How about some heavy artillery? A tank maybe?” Alex sounded like he was joking, but Sarge knew better.
Sarge stood up and readied his rifle and service revolver, “We get what we get. I don’t expect a tank.”
“Maybe at the Fort through? I have to get up north fast. My family…” Alex was cut short.
“We get you to the fort and the military takes it from there. PERIOD.” Sarge delivered the sobering verdict with no emotion, but instead of continuing, he strapped the gun belt on shoved full of ammo.
Alex throws his six gun shooters up with his hands, “Well, this plan just gets better and better!”
Sarge walks past him and looks hard at him, “It’s the only plan you have, sir.”
The hard stare of the battled hardened military man left Alex speechless because, down deep, he knew Sarge was right and he had no choice.