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Just passing through...or so you thought.
Continuing the mission given you by Barada Strongsteel, you stay over in the scummiest slums you have EVER seen, much less stayed in.
But it's just a quick stay and you're on your way. The only problem is the town is 'run' by an ignorant OROG (Underdark Half-Orc) named Ulbog and there isn't much 'running' to it. No anarchy is the them here and, although usually very lawful, many of the Drow love it.
Not only do they use it as a staging point in their lucrative slave business, but a set of sado-masochist Drow have started a Bloodsport in the pits.
But this suits your group just fine.
That is until you find relatives there, fighting for their life!
Suddenly, it's a rescue mission as both Sindiri and Carius find themselves jumping into the pits to fight along side family! For Carius, it's his father who has been captured and sold to the Drow by the 'opposition party' in the Pridelands. Sindiri finds his lost brother who 'escaped' his kinsman in Ash-Hearth.
For Sindiri, it will only cost him gold.
To get back Carius' father, it will be much more difficult. A contract is signed with the mysterious stranger called Master Jessh. He will procure the father and bring him unarmed to Zerhem Bozea if, and only if, Carius brings him the head of King Ulbog.
As with anything else, Carius jumps in with both feet without thinking. The rest of the team can only try and keep him alive in the process.

Forgive me the crappy art work
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