“He blew up the stairs?!”
Sarge was yelling as usual, but, although Alex had known him only a short time, he could tell that this was a bit different.
Donovan looked a bit intimidated although, honestly, it looked like he could take him physically.
“Uh, yeah. Dropped a damn metal bomb down on our heads!” Was all he could muster.
Rachel had had enough, “Aye! And coulda keeled evera last one of us!!”
Sarge looked over at the lanky fellow sitting by the window apparently looking over the skyline.
“I gave them a heads up...” He muttered matter of factually.
“Yelled a fuckin' 'FIRE IN THE HOLE' and grinned like soom Chesire Cat!!” Rachel stepped toward the man waving her fist.
The gentleman barely looked her way, just muttered, “You survived ok...”
That set her across the room at the man. Lt. Dean stepped in and barely stopped her. It was then that the soldier realized how solid this 'little lady' was.
“With a God damned toaster!!” Sarge was still pacing, “Who blows shit up with a God damned toaster?!!”
The thin man was grinning now, “What can I say? Instant timer...”
Rachel walking away frustrated couldn't put together the words right now. Lt. Dean was glad she backed off. There was no way he wanted to go into a full on scuffle with her. Something about his upbringing. He really didn't want to have to hit a lady, much less knock her the hell out, and that's exactly what he would have to do to stop her from killing Frank.
“Frank. If that's your name.” Sarge was addressing the lanky, thin man sitting quietly by the window, “No identification, cell phone or legal papers of any kind! Just who the hell are you, anyway?”
'Frank' never looked over at Sarge, but simply answered, “Military Intelligence...”
Sarge scoffed and walked off, “Military Intelligence, my ass!”
Alex was at his usual post, behind the bar drinking, “So, what the hell we supposed to do for an escape route? Huh? Any bright ideas?”
Donovan jumped in, “Espcape plan? Looks like you've got it made up here! Bar. Restaurant. A view of the whole city. We could just wait this out, right? Wait till the military shows up and cleans this shit up, right?”
Alex, still wearing his cowboy hat (as he always did), peered over the glass of alcohol and grinned menacingly, “Yeah, you'd think that, wouldn't ya? But according to Sarge here, there's no telling how long the military's going to take and our food is running out fast.”
“Exactly..” Sarge butted in, “We're gonna need to move PRONTO. I hear there's a Army base just south of here..”
“Fort McPhearson..” Donovan spoke while pouring himself a libation.
Sarge looked over at the youth with astonishment, “You know about that base, boy? I got the idea you weren't from around here...”
Frank, still staring out the window and grinning strangely, “We got ourselves a full on Sherlock Holmes here, people..”
Sarge gave Frank a glare and walked over to Donovan looking for an answer, “Well?”
Donovan, talking a swallow, finally replied, “My dad's stationed there. It's where me and my Uncle were headed when the hoard hit.”
“Uncle?” Rachel asked as she helped herself to a bottle.
“Yeah, I was looking for him when I found you. He's probably a goner by now.” Donovan said as he took a long hard drink.
Sarge was right behind the boy now, “Aren't you a little young to be drinkin'?”
Donovan just took another sip and replied, “Considering the circumstances, not really..”
“Yeah, things are going to hell in a hat basket out there. The military isn't anywhere to be seen much less the police. I don't think the old rules apply any longer, soldier.” Frank almost recited.
Sarge was glaring at him now, “Yeah, maybe so. But, according to you, we're all one step away from anarchy.”
Frank finally looked over at Sarge and grinned, “Well, aren't we?”
Sarge, as hardened as he was, was a little shaken by the thin man's response.
“Well, not on my watch! We gotta move. Get to that base, quick. But we have a few stops first.” Sarge went on.
Alex looked up from his drink, “A few stops? What kind of stops?”
Sarge stood up straight as if to be preparing to give orders, “First off, we need weapons and ammo. Lieutenant!”
Lt. Dean steps up with a city map of Atlanta and rolls it over the bar for all to see, “I've checked over the area and the closest possible weapons cache is actually right across the road at a small police station. That would be our best bet to pick up not only guns and ammo, but adequate protection and defensive supply.”
“Adequate protection...” Frank muttered and looked back out the window.
Sarge ignored the irritating man and went on, “We've also found several small grocery stores in the area. Unfortunately, being downtown, we're not close to any of the big super stores. So, we gotta hope the small stores aren't all ransacked already.”
Lt. Dean took a sharpie out and drew a circle on the map, “We have also spotted a downed aircraft that has, apparently, been turned into a protective dwelling. We have seen lights and subjects coming to and from that seem to be of the living.”
“That would mean more people to salvage from this mess and possibly more guns to help us blast our way through the city.” Sarge informed.
Frank, still staring out the window and the rain that had begun to fall, grins, “Who needs guns?”
Sarge glances over at him angrily and continues, “That should help us get down, at least to the baseball stadium. I've seen the lights on down there for over a week. That means even more survivors!”
“Or maybe the zombies have started their own baseball team.” No one was paying any attention to Frank at this time.
“TURNER FIELD! Damn! I loved watching the Braves play there!” Donovan blurted.
Sarge looked over at the youth, “Braves? I had you pegged as a Yankee's fan!”
Donovan grinned, “Just cause I'm from New York don't mean I gotta root for dem damn Yanks!”
Sarge grinned.
Lt. Dean was totally unused to that look on his face and muddled on, “We have one problem, now.”
Alex laughed, “Yeah, someone blew up the stairs; our only route out of here.”
Everyone looked at Frank.
Frank looked over at everybody, “We could take the elevator.”
Sarge was visibly angered and started for Frank, “That's it! I've had just about enough of you!”
That's when the young Lt. Dean stepped in and stopped him, “Whoa, Sarge. He has a point.”
Alex was laughing again, “What? Are we going to shimmy down the cables for seventy some-odd floors? There's no power. There's no elevator.”
Lt. Dean just grinned and looked over at Donovan, “Who says we don't have power?”
Everyone was looking at Donovan now. It had been a while since his last discharge and his arm had begun to glow again ever so slightly. Suddenly, Donovan wasn't sure he like the look in their eyes.