Legend tells of a god of light from another world. One of two divine beings. Half of one heart. A Father Sky to his Great Mother.
They reigned over a peaceful people as parents with their children. Surrounded and nurtured by peace, love and tranquility. That was before an enclave of their ‘children’ began to dabble with alien magic and took advice and power from a dark deity from another world. This dark entity used them to destroy ‘Mother Earth’ slowly and mercilessly.
In the ensuing battle, he lost everything. His love crumbled beneath him and his children died in the vacuum of space. Dakkan drifted endlessly finally coming to rest to mourn on a life less world.
Here his grief became the DARKNESS, His tears became the SEA and His unrelenting anger became a STORM where nothing could live.
Suddenly, he was not alone.
His tears that were the sea took the form of His lost love. But, no matter how much she tried, Dakkan would never let her get close and constantly pushed her away; never letting his grief find an end.
The void left between them would not be empty forever but be truly filled with a love returned. The spurned SEA became one with the unrelenting STORM and begat the first godling. Their love brought life to the dead sphere, creating a unique new World.
But the pure fount of love refused to run dry just yet. Ashyrae, beaming and gushing with new creative energy, exploded with power and gave life to life itself; birth, life and rebirth to be exact. From the love given to her by her parents, she created the LIGHT OF A NEW DAY, THE DAWN BREAKER,
Bursting forth from its mother’s “womb”, the Dawn Phoenix continued the succession of creation and lit the skies up with the birth of a son to warm its mother and empower her to spawn life; from the least to the greatest. From the tiniest microbe to the crowning jewel the ALL MOTHER’S glory, humans. These humans were crowned with golden skin and beautiful blonde hair. Their eyes shone like brass in the sun and they loved their mother as she loved them.
The Dawn Phoenix’s first creation, the massive blazing sun shone forth with light and heat lovingly embracing Ashyrae. The BREAKER OF DAY burst with more joy creating two lights to rule the night; the twin moons encircling with glee the All Mother; Miya and Myna (subject to change) the gods of order and chaos/Stability and Upheaval.
The Dawn Phoenix continued creating three more ‘children’ to worship and love their mother. Fashioned after the fledgling gods, the three worlds exploded into life.
Shen’zka, the world of storm.
Khav’nl, the world of sea
Umb’r, the world of shadow
Umbrax’l hated the Phoenix with its light and life. He hated hiding from the unnerving radiant energy emanating from the sun by day and twin moons by night.
Daukkan grew to hate his ‘children’. They celebrated their life with joy and hope and he despised it. It was an affront to him. “How dare them be at peace and happy when I am in such eternal pain and will forever live under such a weight of grief!?”
Daukkan became known as THE LOST and roamed his world traveling among the Ashyraens growing to hate them more and more each day. It was one of these days that an outsider approached him with a plan so insidious that it made Daukkan smile for th-e first time in eons. Embracing the vile evil of this new compatriot he also embraced the darkness of his favorite child, Umbrax’l. These three hid in the shadows and plotted an apocalypse. The alien evil became known as the UNKNOWN GOD and he brought armies from the Elemental Chaos and dark subversive magic locked in black shards of power that imprisoned Ashyrae, Khavenlee, the Dawn Phoenix and Shenzao-Kada.
This ushered in an age of chaos and darkness that enslaved a world of golden skinned Ashyraens who had known only goodness, love and joy. The Lost One, Daukkan, solemnly soaked in the cries of pain from these new children for it reminded him the sound of his first children dying in black nothingness of space.
Thus it was the Unknown God that brought misery, evil and death to Ashyrae. And, much to Daukkan’s dark, unhappy approval, this new vile entity’s armies ravaged the whole of his creation; torturing the gods of earth, sea, sky and fire. And destroying the three other godling worlds in the process.
And that would have been the end for Ashyrae if not for the courage of many interlopers who stood against the Unknown God and forced his dark armies back through the dimensional door to the Elemental Chaos. And, in an amazing feat of stregnth and will, the DAWN PHOENIX itself sacrificed it's life to seal the door behind them.
What was left was a broken world filled with warring factions and angry beings. After the smoke cleared, peace came to Ashyrae once more. Kingdoms rose and fell. New gods were born from the ashes and the old gods were given time to heal. But for how long?