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They just stood there stunned for a long, long time. It all seemed so surreal. There, before them, were hoards of zombies who, just a few moments ago, wanted to destroy them. Now, something had gotten their attention. They were turned to the south toward the Marriott across the court. Sarge could see, like all the others, a light exploding into the night; like a beacon seemingly calling to the undead. There was also that unmistakable humming in the back of their heads. What it was, they didn't know, but it was there all the same. Is this what mesmerized the dead so? Were they being lulled to sleep?


“Not likely.” Sarge thought


For he knew that this newly awakened dead army would never rest; never stop. They were angry all the time. And, to top it all off, they were mostly angry at the living. For the most part, it wasn't like all the movies. He had never seen one of these undead bastards even try and and eat anyone. But the end was all the same. The living were hunted down and beaten to death. It seemed to satisfy them for a short time though. But not long. They were always angry and always hungry.


Dean couldn't help but think of how exposed they were right now. Locked out of the police station; unable to flee the wrath of the undead. And, yet, they were , at least, alive. Alive and stunned.


“Sarge?” Donovan whispered as if he were afraid the zombies would hear.


Sarge, still starring, replied, “Yeah, son?”


“I…what…” He struggled to put the words together, “What the hell?”


“My thoughts exactly son.” Sarge muttered as he came alive, “Lt. Dean? Where do we stand, here?”


Dean was still locked on the hoard, mouth agape.


“DEAN!” Sarge yelled.


The zombies surprisingly didn’t respond. But Dean woke up.


“Uh…” Dean looked around obviously disheveled, “The electronic door is jammed. It’s not got gonna budge without some juice.”


“The hell it won’t!” Alex blurted as he ran up to the door and began bludgeoning the handle to no avail. And, not only did it not open the door, but make enough noise to usually ring the dinner bell with these creatures. But they didn't notice. What had their attention so?


Sarge just laughed, “Well, you and that gun sure as Hell’s not gonna make it through that solid steel door. It’s fuckin’ reinforced. It would take a blast powerful enough to bring this side of the building down to open that door.”


So, we’re boned.” Alex spouted as he dropped to a corner and fell to the ground.


Dean, still studying the door, reported, “These are the downtown Atlanta police. Obviously, there were prepared for riots in the streets. If they didn’t want you in, you didn’t get in.”


“Means there’s probably a generator in there somewhere.” Sarge grinned.


Dean smiled back, “Yeah, and riot gear and, probably snipers and ammo.”


Frank laughed as he looked up and down the street for options, “Whoa there, soldier boy! Don’t get a chubby just yet. We ain’t in!”


Suddenly, the massive figure of Donovan pushed past Frank as his arm lit up, “Get outta da way…”


Dean and Sarge were in no mood or position to challenge him. So, they simply moved to one side. Donovan stepped up to the door; his arm totally on fire and the agony he was in was evident on his face. He must have been forcing it. And that couldn’t be good. But, good or not, the boy simply stepped up to the door and laid his hands on the metal plate over the lock. Closing his eyes, he slowly unleashed the green power into the door. There were a few clacking noises as the door slowly opened.


“Well, I be damned!” Alex blurted pulling himself up.


“You comin’?” Donovan asked as he braced himself against the door.


Sarge came alive; barking orders, “Damn skippy! Come on, my friend!”


Getting the young man by the left arm, Sarge helped him in, “Come on, Ladies! We didn’t come this far to get killed!”


As the two disappeared into the police station, a small band of the undead came alive. Frank wasn’t sure what got their attention, but a few of them were no longer interested in the bright shiny light over at the Marriott.


“Heads up! We’ve got company!” Frank alerted.


With no hesitation, Dean and Alex unloaded on the group as Rachel took aim. Frank didn’t waste any time, but retreated behind Sarge and the boy. The more they mowed down though, the more broke away and came their way.


Sarge had apparently gotten Donovan somewhere safe and was back to barking orders, “You’re not doing any good! You’re just making matters worse! Get in the HERE!”


The three didn’t hesitate either, but followed Sarge’s orders to a T.


As Sarge shut the door behind them, he realized there was another problem.


“Damn! The door won’t latch back without the power!” The soldier said as he looked back at Donovan.


The young man just shook his head telling everyone that there was no power coming from him right now. Alex and Dean were holding the door as the hoard fell upon it almost bursting through.


Sarge, as he was used to doing, acted quickly, “FRANK! Help me with this desk!”


After a while, the crew had the door adequately braced and the exhausted lot all found places to rest.


After a few moments of blissful silence, Frank just had to speak, “Well, that was easy…”


Needless to say, all eyes were upon the lunatic and, as usual, no one was happy with him.

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