Not everybody was happy with the plan, but nobody volunteered to stay behind. Even Frank was helping with the provisions they were carrying with them.
“Only what we can carry and nuthin’ more!” Sarge barked as he eyed Frank’s once invisible Samurai Sword.
Frank noticed, of course. The freak didn’t miss a thing. He just grinned and said, “It was a gift from my mother…”
That’s when Sarge noticed Alex laboring under a heavy box of what looked like beer bottles.
“Damn, Alex! I said, ‘only what you could carry’ and I mean it!” Sarge ordered.
Alex stopped and grinned, “Then I’ll carry it…I got a backpack. I’ll load it up.”
“That drunk’s gonna get us all killed,” thought Sarge, “If Frank doesn’t do something incredibly stupid and blow us all up.”
“We needs ta move, honey. Timetable and all.” Sarge could hear Rachel announcing from below.
As Lt. Dean began to shimmy up through the hole in the top of the elevator, Sarge started looking for Donovan. He found him sitting in a booth eating a couple burgers from the freezer.
The boy saw teenager saw him coming, “The last two from the freezer that don’t work…want one?”
Sarge sit down across from him and starred at the steaming burgers, “Where the hell?”
Donovan didn’t let him finish his question, but simply raised his right hand as it crackled with green lightning, “It’s ok. Been heatin’ my own food since I was a kid. Won’t kill ya.”
Sarge grinned, “Nah, it ain’t that. You need all the energy you can get kid. Eat up.”
Donovan didn’t argue with him but chowed down. He took a break from the burger to scoop chili out of the opened can in front of him.
“This is dangerous as shit, ya know.” The kid said.
Sarge looked out onto the bleak skyline. It was dawn and he could see the streets below moving like a living organism. But he knew that what moved down there was nothing close to alive. There was a fire burning to the north. In fact, most of the buildings had been on fire since the outbreak. It was like the bastards had turned arsonist of something. It was depressing looking out into it, but he knew soon he would be out there with them; fighting them.
“We haven’t much of a choice. We run out of food in less than a week. And I have orders.” Sarge spouted without taking his eyes off the city.
“Orders? In all of this Chaos and you think the Army knows what it’s doing? Grasping at straws, if you ask me.”
Sarge took his eyes off the desolation they were destined to be a part of soon, “Yeah, well, at this point, I gotta believe that somebody knows what they’re doing. And the Army’s the only thing in life that hasn’t lied to me or let me down, so far. And, anyway, I’ve been following orders way too soon to stop now.”
As Donovan finished up the can of chili, he seemed lost in thought. Suddenly, he broke the silence, “Yeah, well, my Dad’s down here ‘following orders’ and, for all I know, it’s gotten him nothin’ but kilt! My mom’s military too. Upstate New York. Some lab somewhere. Lousy bitch. She sold me out for a military career. Never cared nothin’ for me. So, excuse me if I don’t share your trust in the good ole Army.”
Donovan stopped when he realized that Sarge was starring at his arm. Looking down, the boy could see the green electricity flying all over his arm. It hadn’t hurt him as much the past few hours, but, of course, with memories of home, the pain comes back. Sarge started to engage him about his past, but realized that such a path just seemed to irritate him. And irritation just made him a bit unstable.
Donovan wiped off his face with a napkin in his left hand and grinned, “Don’t worry soldier. That just means we’re ready to roll. Let’s get this show on the road!”
Sarge was worried about the kid. He was totally unstable in so many ways. He felt it was his duty to know about each and everyone in his squad. But, he also knew that, if he kept digging, it could be a disaster. So, he decided to just keep Donovan calm and get him to do his part. He could play covert ops later.
Sarge, Lt. Dean and Rachel sat on top of the elevator with Donovan and, so far, there hadn’t been any incidents. Of course, there were many floors yet to go.
In the elevator with a battery operated lantern was Frank and Alex both sitting at opposite corners of the cube. They could both see the green lightning flying above them and it didn’t set them at ease. If fact, they only went a few floors before Frank started to break out a bottle.
After another half hour of slow descent, Alex had had enough of the silence.
“Wanna swig?” He asked as he pushed a bottle toward his strange companion.
Frank just grinned, “Don’t drink…”
Alex laughed to himself as he took another drink, “I make it a point to never trust a man who won’t drink with me, ya know?”
Frank shrugs, “Really, I’ve never trusted drunks much either.”
Striking a nerve a bit deep, Alex comes alive. Quickly, he drew one of his six shooters and pointed it at Frank. What he came to notice was that Frank had drawn that mysterious Samurai Sword and was holding at Alex’s neck.
“Everything alright down there?” Sarge’s voice range from above.
How could he always tell when there was a problem.
Alex, never taking his eyes off Frank nor dropping his gun nor his guard answered, “Everything’s awesome down here, soldier boy! Me and Frank are getting along famously!”
They both stood there transfixed in time; each awaiting the other’s decision.
“And you Frank?” Sarge continued.
Holy Hell! How does he know?
After a long pause, Frank smiles, “Yeah, we’re best buds. Frank was offering me a drink.”
Sarge was quick to answer, “Frank sharing his drink? Yeah, you’re not a good liar, Frank. Both of ya, calm down and keep to your corners!”
Once again, how did he know? There was no way he was looking down into the elevator. He just knew.
Slowly both of them backed away lowering their weapons, but neither put them away. Alex dropped into his corner; a bottle in one hand and his gun in the other. He just sat there watching Frank with one eye at all times. Frank sat down very ceremonial like and laid his sword in his lap like a real samurai in all of the movies that Alex had seen with Bruce Lee.
“Is she pretty?” Frank muttered, not looking up.
Alex, giving Frank both of his eyes now, “What?”
Frank grinned and looked up through the dark, “Your wife…is she pretty?”
Alex wasn’t all that sure he liked that line of questioning. He didn’t answer. He figured it was a discussion he wouldn’t be getting into with this psycho.
“Bet she is. Hourglass figure. Perfect form. But not too big. Just enough curves to know she’s not a boy.”
Alex felt his finger gripping the trigger of his gun a little too tight.
“Got any pictures?” Frank continued to grin.
“Shut up…” Was all Alex could muster.
Frank laughed to himself, “How long has it been, huh?”
“I mean, since you…well…you know…”
“Ah! It’s been a while hasn’t it? I mean, the tense muscles in your neck and the way you’re pointing that gun at me. Yeah, you haven’t had a good fling in a while have you?” Frank chided.
“None of your business…freak…”
“I wonder how long it’s been for her?”
That was it. Alex was on his feet again and Frank was in a combat stance. Suddenly, Lt. Dean dropped from the hole in the ceiling; pistols in both hands and each trained at a different man.
“STAND DOWN NOW!” Lt. Dean ordered.
Frank grinned bigger, “We were just talking…right Alex?”
Lt. Dean was ready for anything.
“Yeah, just talking.” Alex stated as he sat back down.
“YEAH? Well how about dropping the chit chat? It’s gonna get somebody killed! Ok, Frank?” Sarge’s voice rang out.
“Oh, you know me. Mr. Cooperation.” Frank shot Alex a cold stare, “I like ‘cooperating’ with one or two or more at one time. I like ‘cooperating’ all night long!”
Alex just starred a hole through the maniac.
“Yeah, enough talk, Frank. Don’t make me muzzle you!” Lt. Dean ordered.
“Oh, you would like that wouldn’t you?” Frank just sat down and stared at Dean.
Sarge, trying to put an end to it, stated, “You know, I liked you better when you just kept to yourself and starred creepily at everybody.”
It was quiet for a while after that, thank God. Sarge wasn’t sure how much of Frank’s small talk they could survive.