The Flash Episode 15 “Out of Time” Review
This week saw the return of the Flash, after two weeks off, and man what a return it was. This episode lives up to its name and more, as...

We review indie comic "The Samaritan"
The Samaritan: Written by Victor Dandridge Art by Ren McKinzie The Samaritan, a comic book published by the independent Vantage InHouse...

Powers: Episode 1 Reviewed!
The Brian Michael Bendis comic hit, Powers, has gotten its own series and plays exclusively on the Playstation network. Beginning its...

Arrow: "Canaries" Review
This week was the 3 part of the "Canary Trilogy", dealing with Laurel coming into the Canary mask and dealing with the guilt of feeling...

'Super' by Jay Crow Comics Issue #1 review
BOOK INFO: Writer: Joshua Crowther Artist: Bruno Chiroleu Colorist: Matteo Baldrighi Letterer: Chas! Pangburn Dialogue Editor: Steven...