The Flash Episode 15 “Out of Time” Review
This week saw the return of the Flash, after two weeks off, and man what a return it was. This episode lives up to its name and more, as it rollercoasters your emotions all over the place, and could quite possibly is the best episode of the first season when it is all said and done.
The episode has a lot of plots running through it, so we will start with the villain. This week, the brother to the first villain and the first person to be called Weather Wizard on the show, Mark Martin comes looking for revenge. He not only has the same powers as his brother, but they are more refined, and focused than his brother. His only goal is to make the man who killed his brother pay, which happens to be Joe, and part of this revenge entails destroying the ones he loves.
Another plot running throughout the episode is of Barry and Iris, they really hit us hard with this subplot. Throughout we can see how uncomfortable their significant others are, when they are in the same room, but it is also obvious that Barry is still pinning for Iris, and hints of the feelings being returned. They teased this all episode with a surprise pay off, and surprising reveal.
The next subplot dealt with the StarLabs team, as Cisco begins to doubt Harrison Wells. This is all brought on by Iris questioning him, and it makes him think about how sure she is, and how sure their father was, that Harrison isn’t all he seems to be. He decides to investigate himself, and Harrison’s web of lies comes crashing down, and we finally learn who he really is. But all of this comes at a high cost, as this plot resolves with one of the most heartbreaking moments in the Flash to date.
The final subplot is a continuation of what has been going on in the show, Time Travel. Near the beginning of the episode Barry sees another flash, running beside him as he is on his way to a crime scene. Harrison dismissed it as a mirage, though if he knew otherwise is impossible to tell, but Barry was sure that it was something more. As the episode progresses, several important and some irrevocable things happen, all culminating in The Flash having to run faster than ever before, with a interesting consequence.
Next week, several things are going to come to a head, as the rush to the final episode begins. So far, Grant Guston and the team have proven that the Flash is not only a worthy spinoff of the Arrow, but an amazing television show all on its own. The Flash is quickly becoming a fan favorite, and one of the best shows on television, and it is easy to see why with this episode. I personally cannot wait until next week, to see what happens next.