DareDevil will be dark and gritty? Good!

So word has come down that the new Daredevil show on Netflix will be rated TV-M. That means the show will provide plenty of violence, some sexual things, and most likely language not suited for children. Some people are already complaining that this is not going to be good for the show, among other complaints… To me, this is just like Deadpool. Should Deadpool be a rated R movie? Well, that depends if you want the original Deadpool or the new comic relief character they have turned him into. Those are very different things. But let’s make no mistake about it, Daredevil is, and always will be, dark and gritty. Take a second and look over 3 examples of why we think this is the best path. If you don’t agree after this, there is no hope.

#1 In Daredevil #344-350, “over the edge”, Daredevil goes off the deep end. He goes as far as nearly crippling criminals to get his point across. In the meantime, there is someone going around in the original yellow Daredevil suit… Oh yeah, did we mention that it’s Matt Murdock… his is running around as two different versions of Daredevil and it takes his old teacher to bring him back to sanity…

#2 Devil Reborn is a series were he again is in a broken state. This time he goes around and makes himself a heartless crime lord. He lost his wife and he sees this as the way to make sure the underworld can never hurt anyone again…if he is running it. Not to mention he is possessed by an ancient demon…next!

#3 In Daredevil Vol. 2 #16-19 and farther on he is again redefining the man without fear. He goes as far as nearly beating the Kingpin to death and decides to end his rivalry with Bullseye. He does this by beating him to within and inch of his life and then carving a bull’s eye into the bad guys forehead… yup, he is a nice and balanced guy.
If you look back through his history, it is peppered with nothing but tragedy and pain. He is the man without fear for a reason. He is willing to do whatever it takes to make his world a better place. Even if that means killing and losing his mind. This is just a small selection of comics but you can see that he earns every bit of that mature rating. Did we mention that his wife at one time became a drug addicted porn star? Daredevil is not all rainbows and sunshine. This is the best choice for doing this character and I personally will be there to marathon the entire show as fast as I can. Who else is planning on making this a plan? If you haven't yet, watch the trailer on the right!