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Back Issues from the BOX: Micronauts #26-28 Baron Karza Returns!


One of the true pleasures of the eighties a handful of comics that started out as toy commercials. Rom: Spaceknight and Micronauts were two of those properties that pushed away from pack of overgrown toy store brochures and made something of themselves. The Micronauts had an amazing run; 59 issues in 5 years along with a 20 issue run afterwards with THE NEW VOYAGES. They also costarred with the ever popular X-Men in a four issue mini-series that I recommend. Written by the incomparable Bill Mantlo and illustrated by such great names as Michael Golden, Pat Broderick and Butch Guice. It was one of my personal favorites and added an extra dimension to the Marvel Universe; the Microverse!

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The first twenty someodd comics were engaging enough, but, for me, it was the transitional issues of 26, 27 and 28 that really drew me in and made me a fan for life. The main protagonist, Baron Karza, was presumed dead due to an earlier run-in. So the cover alone is enough to turn heads! BARON KARZA RETURNS! NUFF SAID! 'Nuff Said' indeed. (If you don't know Karza, you don't know

On top of the return of one of Marvel's most unsung villains, Bill Mantlo and Pat Broderick brought two classic waring organizations into the fray; S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra! This one had it all. A massive sky battle. The return of a great evil. Nick Fury. Massive powers being weilded. And a victory at a great cost. It was truly an epic turn in the story.

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Mantlo had a way of showcasing all of the Micronauts without making any of them backdrops. Even the robots that flew the ship and did the analysis had personalities and were lovable (much like C3Po and R2D2). Commander Rann, who was labeled 'Space Glider' to connect him to the toy being sold, was the leader with the rebel commander and love of his life, Princess Marionette, at his side. Fighting along side them were the armored warrior, Acroyear (one of my personal faves), and Bug, the spry, fighting insectiod alien who, later on, spent a stint with the Guardians of the Galaxy. This was always truly a team book.


Micronauts #28 is the cover that drew me in. Pat Broderick's artwork amazed me and the big splash of the returned Baron Karza and the gladiator like, Acroyear, having it out on the cover locked me in for the long haul. I bought every single issue after that along with getting ever back issue I could get my hand on. There were some great covers and stories, but I'm afraid Micronauts never surpassed this moment of greatness.

The bad news is that the movie rights are all wound up in Hasbro, Marvels comic rights and J.J.Abrams. Abrams had the reins of the project, last I heard, but the characters we know and love will not be a part of it due to the fact that Marvel owns the rights to the comic book characters. So, even if we get a movie, it will be nothing like what we grew up with. So, please...just stop...

Personally, one of my favorite covers....period!

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