Old School Breakdown: LOBO

In 1983, DC did something that Marvel had been doing for years. They took a concept that the competition was exploiting and parodied it; much like Marvel did with Deadpool who debuted nearly a decade later. But, before that, Marvel had made an industry out of the anti-heroes they had made famous in the eighties. DC struck with LOBO. He was an amalgamation of the various anti-heroes Marvel had made famous and bloated the market with. Marvel had Venom, Wolverine and the Punisher which had become so popular they were beginning to appear in a myriad of comic titles. Lobo was a mix of the genre with an intergalactic twist. As wisecracking as Spider-Man. As indestructible as Wolverine. As dangerous as the whole lot. Lobo menaced the whole of the DCU without mercy.

He debuted as a villain in ,then popular, OMEGA MEN #3 (June 1993) which has made a return in the REBIRTH era. Strangely enough, he was brought to life by artist Keith Giffen; the same man involved in JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL which is celebrating it's 30th Anniversary this year and did a rendition of Emerald Empress (50th Anniversary of 1st app. This year) in 2011. Funny how things in comics link together.
Lobo got wildly popular after an appearance in the above mentioned JLI and subsequent roster roles in L.E.G.I.O.N. And R.E.B.E.L.S. Finally, in 1990 (the height of the Anti-Hero movement), he got his own four part mini-series. Lobo: The Last Czarnian, was plotted by his original artist, Giffen and went on to star in quite a few adventures in his own titles. In crossovers, he's gotten to fight a few Marvel characters, including his inspiration, Wolverine, who he lost to due to not enough votes. Ouch.

In 2011, Lobo got a new 52 makeover. He lost his huge, muscular Biker look for a more GQ, slimmer look. But, as with much of the New 52, it didn't set well with fans and has, hopefully, been expunged from the DC multiverse.

So, his appearance in Justice League vs Suicide Squad is both surprising and welcome. As with much of Maxwell Lord's team dubbed the NIGHTMARE ARMY, they have their own individual back-stories with a long trail of destruction. Each member could challenge the Justice League all by themselves and Lobo is not exception. His propensity for violence, his amazing strength and his unstoppable healing factor, make him an unstoppable foe. But there's ulterior motives afoot!
Much in the same way we see super-villain turned Suicide Squader, Killer Frost, playing nice suddenly, DC has big plans for LOBO also. Both are wildly popular. Frost has a following now, thanks to the CW FLASH. But all Lobo has to be is Lobo! And both are slated to become part of the new Justice League of America. That's right. Much like the past League hangin' with Captain Cold, these two will turn over semi-New Leafs and become part of the most important hero force on the planet. Can't wait to see that dynamic! More on that later.

Because, if you've been reading Justice League vs Suicide Squad, you know Lobo has some healing to do before he can do that...lol. But, much like Wolverine and Deadpool, you just can't seem to keep a psycho, killer badass down.
(Wait, didn't they actually kill Wolvie? Well, good luck with LOBO)