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Battle of the fan theories: When do we get to see the Soul Infinity Gem?

We are on the cusp of another great Marvel event: Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

I remember the caution that came along with the first Guardians movie and how we were prepared for the worst. Then we got the best. Thank you, Marvel. Now, we expect the best. The bar has been raised and Marvel has it's work cut out for it. But they have this, trust me. The one thing they have been excellent at is keeping the Infinity Gems hidden until Marvel decides to do an unveiling. It hasn't stopped the fan-boy theorists from going absolutely bonkers on Youtube, though. Now, here we are, just over a year away from Infinity Wars and only three MCU events to go (not counting Spider-Man for obvious reasons) and the fans want to know where the Soul Gem is.

Let's take the less obvious to begin with: BLACK PANTHER

For the most part, this is a far fetched theory. It is based on the Panther's ability to speak to the dead Panthers of the past. There have also been fans thinking maybe something in the Wakandan Necropolis (temple, altar, shrine, etc) houses it for special uses. I'm not buying it. But, the very fact that it's a bit off and holding out on the Soul Gem could give the BLACK PANTHER movie a needed boost smacks of a Marvel surprise.

SO, unless it pops up in Black Panther (which I doubt), it's either in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 or Thor:Ragnarok...

To me, I don't care...I'm just lovin' the ride, but there are two basic contenders here:

1) Hemdall of Asgard has it

Fans have said for a long time that Hemdall of Asgard obviously has the Soul Gem pointing out the orange gem on his armor and his orange glowey eyes. And the statement that he can see all the souls...blah, blah...Now they're expecting Hela to end up with it and take all the souls of Asgard (did ya see the orange glow of the cloud of destruction run through Asgard?). It makes sense that the Asgardian goddess of the dead would lust after such a prize. And the statement "Asgard is dead" punctuates this theory quite nice.

Let's add a little comic build up to that. In Unworthy Thor #5, Thanos is trying to get his hands on the hammer of the Ultimate Thor. One of his emissaries is a cloaked individual that uses the other two as a 'tribute' to Thanos. The big reveal is that this new ally is Hela herself, no doubt in an effort to get people used to the idea of Hela and Thanos being together and just to reintroduce Hela to the casual readers and new MCU converts. It's not just a freindly alliance though. After her tribute, she and Thanos do some serious lip locking. Thanos had pursued Death itself as a consort for many decades in Marvel comics. Recently, Deadpool wooed her and married her; estranging her from Thanos. So possible this is way of reintroducing that kind of relationship and get a movie tie-in all at the same time. I think it's genius actually. The Norse goddess of Death and Thanos? Yep, priceless. Can't wait to read more.

So all this adds up, but I don't buy it.

2) Adam Warlock is on his way?

Ever since we got a cameo of that cocoon in Thor: The Dark World, fans have raged across the internet about the coming of Adam Warlock. If you don't know who Adam Warlock is, HERE, educate yourself. The bottom line is that Adam Warlock and the Soul Gem are nearly inseparable in the Marvel Universe. It was almost a given that to get to the Soul Infinity Gem, you would have to go through Warlock. But this is the MCU and not the comics. Anything and EVERYTHING goes. Marvel can do what it wants obviously. But my money is on Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

The main antagonist is Ayesha and the Sovereign, a race of genetically created perfect people. In the comics, Ayesha is Her also a genetic creation along with her counterpart HIM. And HIM is, you guessed it, Adam Warlock. Although not listed among the cast, he may be post credit scene or a secondary part of the story, I don't know. But I'll be my fan-boy rep on the Soul Gem showing up there.

Another strange add on to GOTG2. Nathan Fillion as Simon Williams aka Wonder Man? What part does he play in this drama? Can't wait to find out.

Any other ideas? Message me. We'll air them out on BDCLIVES on Facebook!

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