After quite a few disappointments at Wrestlemania this year, we were weary and needed what Payback brought us. But it didn't lead in this way. We came into this event with extremely low expectations and downright snarky sarcasm. In fact, I almost didn't watch it at all. But, it's a good thing I did. For, as the WWE is good at doing, they surprised me with an overfest that built most everybody in the ring save one match. I know you know what I'm talking about so I'll save that for later. But here are my OVERS and UNDERS for WWE RAW PAYBACK!
I'm going to skip the preshow pretty much. No one expects Enzo Amore and Big Cass to not deliver, but I continue to be concerned with how the WWE portrays ex-Bullet Club members, Gallows and Anderson. They come off like jobber stooges more than a respectable tag team. But it isn't their fault. They continue to work it in the ring and prove themselves match after match. And what has been the payoff? One short run of glory and taking a backseat to, not only Amore/Cash and Shasaro...Shesaro..aw, hell, Sheamus and Cesaro, but to the 'wonderful' returning Hardys!

OVER: Enzo and Big Cass (always entertaining)
UNDER: Gallows and Anderson will begin the massive dig out of the string of burials they've endured lately.
Seeing Balor on Miz TV was a fun segment and well done. But my crew was disappointed that he didn't show up later and begin an amazing feud in a certain 'horror'ible match. Let's just say, it would have saved the whole thing and made Payback perfect. But, not what Randy's out of the way, it's inevitable that he and Bray Wyatt start a much needed feud so we can attempt to save what's left of the 'eater of worlds' dignity and crowd buzz.

OVER: Miz (all my shows ends with me getting my ass kicked) and Balor (continuing to do most of the ass kicking)
Opening the show with Jericho and Owens was a surprise, to say the least. But the long meandering feud that saw KO save himself by a finger had seemed to fizzle out. To tell the truth, most of the feuds coming into PAYBACK were falling flater and flater. I mean, we knew the former friends turned enemies would no doubt deliver a great match. These two were gold with each other in and out of the ring. Seeing the G.O.A.T. Win in the end was a welcomed surprise and the bit with Jericho taking out the finger that 'beat' him at Mania was just priceless. Big surprise it was an 'over' match all the way. Can't wait to see where both of them go next. Is the feud in for a third installment with a stip?

OVER: Frienemies Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens who never dissapoint. Shall we chant, 'One more match1'?
Following this was the Cruiser-weight championship. The poor Cruiser-weights. They struggle to get the respect they deserve and this match helped greatly. Austin Aries has always been a favorite of mine on and off the Mic as well as in and out of the ring. He and Neville put on a masterful show as the 'purple brand' usually does. The choice to have Neville pull a bump on the referee was priceless. Not only did it continue the seemingly unstoppable reign of the King of the Cruiser-weights, but it built him as an incredible heel. As much as I fanboy for Aries, I was happy that Neville remained king. But, after the announcers went on about his perfect, unbeaten record, I kinda expected it.

OVER: Neville as true heel King of the Cruiser-weights and Aries doing a great match and helping built that crown a bit.
Continuing the OVERfest, the Hardys came out and showed us they're in the best shape of their life. Jeff and Matt can seemingly do no wrong these days after being broken on TNA. Although they were not able to seamlessly continue the 'Broken Matt' at Mania or the subsequent Raws, there have been several clues that the green-light has been given to bring the 'broken brilliance' to the WWE. The promo early in the night gave us shades of the character although, up to now, Matt's been playing it straight only showing us a 'Yes!', 'Wonderful' or 'Delete!' in the ring to get a crowd pop. If last nights beatdown at the hands of the 'losers' Sheamus and Cesaro doesn't start the 'road to the broken', it will at least get the ball rolling.

This was a big OVER for both teams! The Hardys, because they can't help be OVER these days, and Sheamus/Cesaro, because it keeps the feud alive and gives this team the shot in the arm they need!
Now, I'm going to state at the forefront,as I have just begun these, I'm not a big fan of Bailey. I understand her importance as a baby-face, girlhood dream type. Don't get me wrong, it's needed. And she won't be going anywhere any time soon. And she shouldn't. I'm just not a fan. On the flip side, Alexa Bliss has grown on me and last night's match helped greatly. Both ladies put on a great match (man that Women's Division, is SO hot right now). And Alexa finally has an opponent she isn't dwarfed by. But, if you judge Little Miss Bliss by her small stature, you would be sadly mistaken. This two brand champion fights like she has something to prove, because she's probably always had to prove herself in the ring. She made history last night by being the first woman to win both the Raw and Smackdown Women's championships.
I'm a bit saddened that Bliss and Flair passed each other without much incident. But I hope both take championships and have long reigns. Because, what I want to see more than anything is a inter brand feud between them culminating at NIGHT OF CHAMPIONS. Is that going to happen, probably not. But it should.

OVER: Alexa Bliss, pioneer and record maker, and Bailey, for the comeback rematch she's bound to have. Enjoy the ride Smarks!
Uh...MAN, this has been fun to write up till now. Every match was a feast for the fans and us Smarks too. But, last night, our greatest fears were realized. When Bray Wyatt was shuffled off to Raw after his disappointing Wrestlemania defeat, we, as his faithful, were afraid he would be buried in the mid-card. But, then, he challenged Balor and our hopes lifted. With the demon back in full form and shifting his eyes back to the belt he had to give up, it stunned everyone when Bray announced via teleprompter that he was watching Finn. With out hopes up, the WWE then announced that Bray and Randy Orton would have another match. A rematch of the Wrestlemania we were trying to forget. And, on top of that, it would be a 'House of Horrors' match. What? No one knew what to expect, not even Randy. But, all the fans knew was that they didn't like it one bit.
Shuffling off into unknown territory that smacked of the old WCW days with Kevin 'the Taskmaster' Sullivan and his Halloween themed matches, we wearily watched last night as we were forced to watch awful footage of Orton walking through a creepy old house and allowing himself to be distracted just long enough for Bray to jump him. I mean, it wasn't that big a house really. And Wyatt isn't a small guy. Surely you could see him coming. But, for the sake of the match, Randy was surprised a handful of times. The only part of the match that got a pop was the refrigerator.
And, Vince, bubby, your video packages are the best in ANY business. Where did you find those amateurs plastering their shadows all over the house? I mean, if you wanted to do this kind of thing, you should have consulted Matt Hardy who had made these a staple at TNA. I'm sure his broken brilliance cringed more than once during this segment. And although the house was creepy, the spots were horrible and did nothing. On top of that, we had to wait for Wyatt to take a limo ride back to the arena. I'm thinking it would have been better for Wyatt to magically wisk Randy to ring via his new powers and just got this match over with.
And, speaking of OVER, NO ONE and I mean NO ONE got over through this insane match. Not even Jinder Mahal, who was supposed to be the real winner here, could get Over in this set up. And what is with those comical Indian midgets he has working with him? They work as distractions at best. Just the fact that this was a gimmick to get the Jinder/Orton feud pumped grates my last nerve. They spent so much time pushing Smackdown superstars, it didn't seem like a Raw event. But, it just goes to remind us, that all of it goes into Vince's pocket.

OVER? Are you kidding me?
UNDER: Everybody including Randy Orton. This isn't making him look good at all. And it makes us wish for a quick feud with Jinder. The only OVER we want is for it to be OVER with.
Uh...take a breath, man...ok
Now we come to the Architect, Seth 'Freakin' Rollins against Samoa Joe 'is gonna kill you'. Rollins is another one of those guys I could do without. I'm not sure what it is. I just don't dig him. Now, Joe. Joe is devastating and I love watching him fight. But, if I have to see one more broken knee fight to put Seth over as the WWE's new 'win against all odds' poster boy, I'm gonna hurl.
OVER: Both men put on a great match and should be proud.
UNDER: Seth Rollins knee. I think it should be traded to Smackdown.
And, speaking of people the crowds are tired of, allow me to introduce the epitome. Roman Reigns. I don't hate'm mind you, but the crowd HATES him. Now, I'm not saying they hate him in a heel does bad things to my favorite superstars kinda way. No, they simply hate him. This man couldn't get over if God himself came down and spoke audibly to the crowd 'this is my son who I am well pleased'! And by God, I mean Vince really. I mean, obviously Roman is Vince's latest adopted son. It's like McMahon is Batman and he's found another Robin to push in each and every event and show he possibly can! And the crowds at every show hate him for it.
I was expecting the usual crapfest where Reigns comes out injured and does his best Seth Rollin's impression and gives us an exact mirror of the Joe/Seth match we had just seen. You know (cause I just told you), come in wounded, against all odds, and win with a superman punch. GAWD, I almost didn't want to watch.
Then, something glorious happened (Sorry Bobby). We got this devastating match where, although Roman fought back valiantly, He found himself on the wrong side of Brawn's rage. Although he is wounded and, somewhere down the road, he will reverse this, he still fell to the MONSTER AMONG MEN.

OVER: Brawn Strowman. Never has such a young monster like Brawn been build so perfectly (Unless you count the first year the GIANT, the Big Show, blew through his rookie year of WCW to face Hulk Hogan). Brawn is ready to feud with Lesner. He has everything in place. He doesn't even have to win. All he has to do is put a great match on and he will be more OVER as a heel than he is now, if that's possible.
And Roman? Well, I can't say he's over (see previous comments). The crowd was chanting “Thank You Stowman!” as Brawn was dismantling the 'Big Dawg'. But it made the fans happy (this one anyway) and that's as over as he's gonna get.
So, all in all, PAYBACK was a massive win for the WWE. With the exception of the Wyatt/Orton 'horror'ible match, it was an A+ event and I can't wait to see what RAW builds from here.