Recently the first image of Jason Mamoa as 'Aquaman' was released, and this got me thinking about the path that DC is taking in it's cinematic universe. Unfortunately, I don't think it's a good one, as they are continuing where they left off with Man of steel where they are taking a hyper serious, 'gritty' approach. Here is my question though, Why? I'll go back to Man of Steel, superman is a lighthearted character, maybe his stories aren't but he is. He is the boy scout, the inspiration, and they took everything that made superman, superman out of the character. For, in the end, a character isn't their powers but their personality. I'm not talking about him killing Zod, that's a completely different discussion for a different article.

Now let's Look at Aquaman. Yes, he is considered a joke to people that don't know a lot about the comics, but he is a long standing member of the DC universe and incredibly powerful. But instead of showing us this in the movie, they felt the need to make him look like a generic action hero. He looks more like a character out of game of thrones or mad max than Aquaman. Not to say those other things are bad, but it was to the point that I wasn't even sure i was looking at Aquaman. And that is a problem. Again before we have even seen the character in action they have shown that the 'grittiness' is more important than the character itself, they might prove me wrong in film but, based on Man of Steel, I doubt it.
Superheroes have an inherently silly nature to them. They fight over the top villains, and can deal with serious stuff, or they can deal with characters like 'Professor Pig.' There is no need to rip out the souls of these characters to make a profit. Don't believe me? Go watch a marvel movie.
What are your opinions? Let us know below in the comments!