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Wak's Top 5 "Must Interviews" of 2015!

Once I decided to start my career as a Convention Coverage Specialist I made a list of people I knew I wanted to interview. Now I've decided to share from that list, the Top 5 "Must Interview" for 2015!

#5 The Game Grumps


Hey there Grump and Not so Grump! The Game Grumps Defined the "Let's Play." With witty banter, realistic unedited game play, and daily content the Game Grumps are number 5 on my list for the plethora of questions that come to mind while I'm enjoying the interesting conversations the two get into. Arin "Egoraptor" Hanson is an known on his own channel for his series "Sequelitis" where he discusses the good and bad about game sequels. He also does Cartoons that parody things like Pokemon and Metal Gear, as well as create his own Anime "Girlchan in Paradise" Leigh Daniel Avidan is also known as "Danny Sexbang" of Ninja Sex Party. With Ninja Brian he rocks facemelters into your ears such as "Dinosaur Laser Fight" and "Unicorn Wizard"

#4 Mathew Mercer

Mathew Mercer is known as the voice of many of our childhood heroes such as Leon S Kennedy in Resident Evil, Kanji Tatsumi in Persona 4, Chrom in Fire Emblem Awakening, and so many more I'm going to link you to his IMBD page where you can fan boy as he's been in a lot of Fandom related things. I knew I wanted to Interview him after watching him Review Destiny on Hot Pepper Gaming. He seems like a fun interview to have and I've missed him twice already this year. He's as illusive as he is famous! Come to the SouthWest again SOON!!!

#3 Kyle Hebert


If you have been following me since after Gl!tchCon 2014 you would know I've already interviewed Kyle Hebert. I had found out after that interview that he was the voice of many things I have questions to ask. Now more then Ever I want to talk with him again after Street Fighter 5 was announced, being the voice of Ryu I defiantly want to know anything I can about the next installment of my favorite fighting game. I had a blast meeting him last year but I'm more pumped than ever to interview this awesome Dood!

#2 Mathew Patrick (MatPat)

I've been a "Loyal Theorist" for near 2 years now. Mathew Patrick known better by his fans as "MatPat" Game Theory has been the newest boom in YouTube Gaming. His theories have covered a why range of topics like "The True Villain in Mega man" and "The Truth behind Five Nights at Freddy's" His popularity further spread when he merged the channel with Gaijin Goombah, Ronnie Edwards, and Trailer Drake to make "Game Theory" into "The Game Theorist" I have an extraordinary amount of questions for this genius among YouTubers. But hey, it's just a Theory; A Ga.. Yeah you get the point.

#1 Maximilian DOOD!


The first video I ever watched on YouTube was the very first episode of "Assist Me" I was hooked immediately, and now, 4 years later I'm a huge fan of all Fighting games, and the community around them. I owe a lot of the things I love today to Max and I've been a huge fan of his ever since, I'd love to get insight on his early career on YouTube and his life before YouTube. He seems like an awesome dood and I wanna play video games with him. I even got my Spelling of the word DOOD from him and I hope he's okay with me stealing it straight from him!

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