Getting to know the Infinite Joy Cosplay team!
This week we got to know the 3 active memebers of Infinite Joy Cosplay. If you frequent local conventions then you may very well know this group! Covering everything from anime to Game of Thrones, they are a talented bunch. Now, get to know this local cosplay group and make sure to follow the links below!

1. Where are you guys from?
Michael: Van Buren, Arkansas.
Tricia: Muldrow, Oklahoma.
Amber: Barling, Arkansas.
2. Console or PC?
Michael: Depending on what I am playing, I like both just as much as the other.
Tricia: Console for me. Currently playing through Dragon Age Origins and Tales of Symphonia. I only use a PC to play Sims.
Amber: Console for me! Ps3 to be precise.
3. Comic books or anime?
Michael: Manga, definitely manga. You get so much story from reading than watching most of the time. Tricia: This is a tough question. I love comic book characters but I watch anime more than I read comics. So, I suppose anime.
Amber: I love comics, but I am way more involved in the anime/manga fandoms.
4. Is Cheesecake really cake?
Michael: I say yes!
Tricia: But there's no flour! Even it is not technically a cake, it is still delicious.
Amber: Pie! I'm definitely thinking it is more of a pie.
5. Favorite Convention Memory?
Michael: I would have to say Tokyo in Tulsa 2014, when I met so many amazing people and didn't sleep a wink.
Tricia: Probably back in 2011, my husband and I had just had our first child. We took her to the fall Arkansas Anime Festival that year. I was cosplaying as Kurenai from Naruto. Everyone I'm the dealer room squealed to see Kurenai carrying a little baby. I also enjoy cosplaying as Dean Winchester. I took a pie to the face during a panel. It was fun. And Tokyo in Tulsa 2014 was amazing, I reconnected with these girls and now we all cosplay together.
Amber: This past year at TnT was the first year I spent the entire weekend with a group of people I loved. The entire thing was a blast and it's one big awesome memory.
6. Problematic costume?
Michael: Hmm, I'm still a newbie, so probably my Juvia Lockser and my Miko outfit. Thanks to Tricia, I am slowly learning.
Tricia: Tooth fairy from Rise of the Guardians. I have had so much trouble with her wings! I'm about to remake them for the third time.
Amber: Eh heh. Mine and Trish's current project is the most challenging thing I have done yet. Lots of armor and foam and stinky glue. I'd say more but it's top secret until TnT.
7. Music taste right now?
Michael: Usually Pop, American, Japanese, Korean... all those are good for me.
Tricia: Classic Rock, Meghan Trainor, the Disney station on Pandora. Today, it was the Classical station that captured my attention though.
Amber: My current favorite band in Starset. I just recently discovered them and they make me so happy.
8. Who do you look up to in the cosplay world?
Michael: Everyone, it takes a lot of guts to go out in your cosplay at times. I will say this, I am lucky to have such amazing friends to work with.
Tricia: Kamui Cosplay is incredibly inspiring. Her costumes always look fantastic. Jessica Nigri as well. As far as local cosplayers that I look up to, MMB Creations, Twilight Cosplay, Twitchy Squirrel Cosplay and Sparqy Cosplay are fantastic cosplayers and I hope that someday my costumes will look as awesome as theirs. And my friends keep me inspired!
Amber: I've always thought Yaya Han is amazing. So, as a professional cosplayer, she's the one. I look up to Trish too though. She's the one who inspired me to start cosplaying and to keep working on it.
9. Big plans for 2015?
Michael: For the moment I am putting together Mavis from Fairy Tail. Maybe another that is a secret if I can get around to it.
Tricia: My biggest plan is a secret! To be revealed alongside Amber's at Tokyo in Tulsa 2015 on Saturday. It is our first time working with EVA foam to make armor. So we are incredibly excited. I'm also working on Gajeel from Fairy Tail, a female version of Lancer from Fate/Zero, and will also be putting together a Dorian Pavus from Dragon Age Inquisition and Jayne Cobb from Firefly.
Amber: In 2015 I am really excited about the secret cosplay that Trish and I are working on. I've already but hours of work into it and it's no where close to done! I know it's going to blow everyone's minds, so be ready for that!

Well we hope that you enjoyed the interview as much as we did! We look forward to seeing them in perosn soon with all the cons coming up! Now click below for more of their stuff and make sure to click that like button to see what they are up to!