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This week has been JACKED UP!


Watch out, True Believers! Universes are converging! Others are not so Secretly at War! The old order changeth and what awaits us on the other side? That's yet to be seen! All I can say is this past week was completely JACKEDUP!!!

Hey, all you fan-boys and fan-girls out there! What can I tell ya? Worlds are colliding and not just in the comics! We've just survived another internet crapstorm over covers and the new PC sensibilities but ENOUGH about that. I'm done and moving on until the next incursion. And, mind you, there will be another one. Oh, yes, the problem wasn't solved by any stretch of the imagination.

But onward!

First up from this weeks offerings was a glimpse at what the new AVENGERS would look like on the other side of the SECRET WARS! Yes, my friend, the OLD ORDER CHANGETH! What we see on the cover of the All New, All Different Avengers besides the constant rip-off of the old X-men titles was a radically different set of Avengers. There was plenty of the old order there somewhat. The Vision and Sam Wilson aka Captain America (so glad their keeping him around like that) hold up the old guard with the well established female Thor (I hate calling her that).


We also see Iron man which is very foundational; if it IS Tony Stark!! But obviously if it IS Tony in there, he's overcome the whole 'superior' phase. OR has he? The internet is abuzz with the possiblities. The most popular discussion is that Pepper Potts may be donning the armor. To some, the Superior Iron Man run was gearing her up for such a role. I'm unconvinced.

The real story is the three newest members of the team; the newest Nova, the ever popular Ms. Marvel and the unstoppable Miles Morales aka Ultimate Spider-Man. YES, I said Miles Morales! We all knew he would survive the Secret Wars coming, so it's fitting that he be included in this newest rendition of the Avengers. I've not been the biggest fan of any of the three of these, but I am not in the main Marvel comic demographic am I? It's ok. I see the power and significance of these three spear heading the flagship Marvel team going into this new age and am excited to see what the future will hold.

Oh, and the Facebook/Twitter debate finally ended with the Miles Morales/Peter Parker in Civil War. Hate to say I told you so, but I did. Marvel made it official that none other than Peter Parker will be debuting in the MCU with Cap and ole Shellhead. Now to pic an actor...a VERY young actor.

And, just a side note on the newest Thor. The news is out that this female Thor is surpassing the male Thor in comic sales. I'm sure it is. The whole series was getting stale toward the end and something new and radical, especially something that appeals to the female demographic, will always get a boost. Let's give it a year or so and let the new wear off. Then, we can really gauge its success. And, I really only have two words for you; Walter Simonson.

We got some pics from a few forthcoming movies both of which has a lot of fans leery and excited all at the same time.

Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice released a head shot of Eisenburg as Lex Luthor along with a reminder that we're within a year of it hitting the big screen.

The first Fantastic Four movie poster is here and it is awesome. That and the trailer have me looking forward to it. But, as I said, there are a lot happening around these movies that have me exuding a cautious optimism. Gadot and her blathering on about the one breasted Amazonians notwithstanding.


AND speaking of my misgivings about the Fantastic Four. There has been much rage thrown across the internet about the cancellation of the beleaguered FF comics. The sales were waning; main reason. OF course, you have the conspiracy theorist who claim there's a war between Marvel and Fox much like the struggle between Marvel and Sony earlier this year, only a bit more volatile. Now, I'm not sure about that one. But we still haven't seen any Fantastic Four reboot news and I'm sure they're not going to go all 'NO MORE MUTANTS' on us just yet. But we did just receive news that Johnny Storm will be able to 'Flame On' once again and will be joining NOT the FF, but the Inhumans post Secret Wars. WHAT? IS this just a great story drawing off of Johnny's history with the Inhuman Royal Family? Is there some secret Inhuman connection in his DNA past? Will he be making an attempt to woo Crystal away from Ronan? Sparks could fly. I guess the main question is 'What about the rest of the first family of Marvel?”

And about Secret Wars...It's going to be insane!! All the greatest stories of the past colliding in one place. It is single-handedly the most ballsy thing Marvel has ever done. They have wiped out all of the cosmic powers and Celestials, as well as, most of everything we know and love about Marvel. They have promised to end a boat load of story-lines come May. And, as you can see by the Inhuman and Avengers offering, they are bringing a totally new order to things. I'm both excited and scared out of my old school fan boy mind! This will either be the biggest train wreck in comic history or the most amazing thing ever viewed in a comic book. That leaves a lot of gray area. I'm hoping for greatness.

And, to finish, TMNT SPOILER ALTER. IF you want to read it yourself, don't read on


Earlier this week, the world of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was rocked when Donatello was on the receiving end of Beebop and Rock Steady's wrath. Apparently, they were angry about being made bufoons of all this time in the cartoons and decided to go dark. No, actually, it was a double cross of a double cross. Nevermind, go read. Anyway, Donnie seemed, according to all who read it, to have died. Copies of that issue had already exploded on E-Bay for over $100 easy. The whole of the Turtle nerdcore mourned heavily only to find out that it was all for nothing. It had done it's job and got out attention like no other IDW story had.

THE NEXT DAY (that's right, thank YOU, Internet!), there were pics from the next comic showing the fallen turtle on IV and a ventalator. Now, I'm sure he may not be totally out of the woods yet, but SO not dead. Just sayin!

That's it for now, my Jackedup minions! If you ever want me to cover a subject or a comic or a character, just pop me an email at!

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