Do you have what it takes to be the Top Caster?

Imagine a game where all the types of people you see in the chat rooms on Twitch became the enemy: the troll, the lurker, the raider, etc. To top it all off the boss fights were Twitch memes and the chat room helped build it all. That is the world that Matt Harmon and Bonozo Apps are aiming to create with the new game Top Caster.
Sound interesting? It did to me as well. This weekend at the Heartland Gaming Expo, I got the chance to sit down and play through the prototype. It was fun, easy to grasp, and challenging all at the same time. It was awesome to sit down and play a game that reminded me of old school games like Zombies At My Neighbors but added in the new school loves like Twitch and the social interaction.
After playing the game we sat down and talked with Matt Harmon and asked him how the game came about.
“I was watching Twitch and noticed a lot of the words they used in the chat kind of lent themselves to enemies. Like a raider, lurker, Chat trolls and then even like weapons. When I heard them talk like that I just thought, Man I need to make a game out of that.”
Once I heard the reasoning behind the game I was completely sold on it. Who hasn’t wanted to kill a troll or two?
For the last six months they have worked on the game, making it better and better. Matt and a dozen or so other developers have been working on making sure that in the end, this is a game that everyone wants to beat!
“The current design is that it is supposed to be a badge of honor to beat this game. It will ramp up in difficulty so it’s not like you can just beat it. It’s so the streamers who beat it can say “I beat Top Caster! I’m the Top Caster!” “
While I may not stream a ton on my twitch channel this is something that I could see easily catching on and being something huge!
The game is set for a November release and will be available on Steam. For those you who have no want or desire to stream on Twitch, fear not! The game will not require twitch or to even be online to play. Make sure to keep an eye out for this game and follow the links below for more information and to follow Bonozo on the journey to becoming the Top Caster!