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Fatal 8: The Komplete Package for the FGC

NetherRealms Studios has done the impossible. they've made me excited for a Mortal Kombat Game. The Story looks good, The Gameplay looks good, the Graphics make every hit look brutal as all Hell, and the Kompetitive nature already appears to be Down Right Fierce. But What's truly blown me away is how receiving this game has been to the Fighting Game Kommunity. Last night they held a tournament with the some of the most well known players of both MK9 and Injustice including two time Evo Champion RZR|Perfect Legend, CR|SonicFox, M.I.T., Hitbox|Tyrant, and FA|Ryan Heart.

The 8 Kombatants invited to the tournament fought in a Single elimination tournament, where all the matches we're to a best of 9 series. We got to see Kompetitive footage of Kung-Jun, and his father Kung Lao, Scorpion, Raiden, Jax, Quan-Chi, and the most awesome character in the franchise by far, Erron Black. Every set was Kommentated by well know Fighting Game Kommentators all over; including Tom Brady, and UltraDavid. Each winner was interviewed briefly by Joshua “Clutch” Gray to talk about the match they had just had and the choices made in the set. I found it very insightful being a guy that likes to watch break down videos and stuff like that.

Despite the Komplaint about all the talking done between sets, It was an awesome show to watch just before the launch of Mortal Kombat X. I'm truly excited to see some of the mechanics of this game shown off with Evo being only a few short months away. It's like being excited for Wrestlemania after watching the Royal Rumble. I love that M.I.T. used all three Variations of Scorpion during his Set against SonicFox's Erron Black; who went an outstanding 15-1 in terms of matches at Fatal 8. It shows how Diverse this game will be. I truly believe that MKX's Variation system will be the Envy of Fighting Games to come in the future.

More importantly the mechanic of Match Extension in the event of a Double KO is the most hype thing to come to Fighting Games since the Parry ability in Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike. Crowd reaction can make or break a Kompetitive games scene, and MKX is a crowd pleasing game. I will probably be writing a lot about this game because it's peaked my interest and though I may not enter tournaments I plan to play this game quite a bit.

Esports Live is having an Online Pro League for Mortal Kombat X. The Preseason starts next Sunday April 19th and runs till April 29th. Season 1 Begins May 3rd and runs till July 11th, a week before the Evolution series, the biggest tournament of the year. The League will have a weekly Kups for a 1000$ cash prize and points to lead into the League Finals for a grand prize of $50,000 Plus all the proceeds from the Sub-Zero, “Blue Steel” Skin sales. For more info on the ESL Pro League Click on the picture below, and as always, it's been awesome. I'm Frank Wak, and I'll see you next time!

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