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Marvel Monday: Uncanny Inhumans #0 Review


Writer: Charles Soule

Penciler: Steve Mcniven

Inker: Jay Leisten

Colorist: Justin Ponsor

A new series for the Uncanny Inhumans, which seems to tie into the end of the Marvel Universe, has started. Issue 0 is an interesting read and specifically follows Black Bolt, as he searches for his son as the worlds end draws near. These events follow the fall of Attilan, the Inhumans home, and Black Bolts wife leaving him and stripping him of his title of king.

This issue opens with humans hunting for Inhuman Cocoons in Rio De Janerio, Brazil, to sell to Ennilux. As they get some of the Cocoons loaded, and lament about “the waste of money” that is a bad Cocoon. At this moment Black Bolt shows up, and its mentioned that Ennilux has put a 25 Million dollar bounty on his head, as he quickly dispatches the thugs and releases a gas he was keeping on him. It is at this moment that Black Bolt notices a red light, one that distresses him greatly as he leaves. We later learn that this is signifies the end of time, and that before that happens, Black Bolt wants to find his lost son. Thus the primary story of the issue really begins as we take a look at the man, who was king.

The story is excellent, but this issue doesn’t stop there, as the art is breathtaking at some points. I particularly like the way that Black Bolts powers were shown on panel, which in my opinion can be one of the tougher ones to express. The few times that Black Bolt opens his mouth to use his powers, it is but a whisper, and that whisper is enough turn away army’s and blow giant doors off their hinges. We also see every emotion, every thought that Black Bolt has, portrayed not with words, but a picture. This is what makes him both incredibly interesting and incredibly tough to do, in my opinion, to give a character life when you know he will spend a majority of the time not speaking. But this issue perfectly captures that.


There is also a Bonus story featuring ISO and Flint in the back, that is really funny, and the art is nice, definitely a different tone than the rest of the issue. The story follows the two as they try to get a portal open and deal with their fledging powers. It is a nice break from the somber tone of the main issue and a taste of a different art style. I hope this is a trend that will continue through the series.

This issue is one meant to set up the story of Uncanny Inhumans, and this issue directly ties into the upcoming end to the Marvel 616 Universe, and the others will probably do so as well, and not only as that, but as an issue by itself, Issue 0 succeeds. I cannot wait to see where this story is taking us, and to see how the art evolves as the issue continues.

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