Tuesday Tie-Ins: Batman Arkham Knight
Story and Words: Peter J. Tomasi
Pencils: Victor Bogdanovic
Inks: Art Thibert
Color: John Rauch
Letters: Travis Lanham
Cover: Dan Pandsian
Variant Covers: Gary Frank & Rod Reis
Editor: Alex Antone

DC, in collaboration with Rocksteady Studios, released the first issue of the Arkham series tie in ‘Arkham Knight’ for the game of the same name. This title will bridge the gap between Arkham City and Arkham knight, and deal with the aftermath of the end of Arkham City. The art style is good, and the story is awesome, giving this tie in a great start. DC is doing well with these tie ins, with the Mortal Kombat X Blood Ties, and with veteran DC writer Peter J. Tomasi behind it this could end up being a great batman story in its own regard.
The first page, the first panel, literally takes place at the end of Arkham City, where (SPOILER ALERT) Batman carries Jokers body; yes he is dead, from the Monarch Theatre. This sets the tone of the first issue, titled ‘Death of a rival’, and introduces us to the Arkham Knight and gives us a tease to who he is. The story is filled with references to other games, including Arkham Origins, and the dialogue between Bruce and Alfred is amazing. Alfred encourages Bruce to use his public persona and money to help the city as well as helping as Batman, even convinces him to do it, and teases him throughout. Bruce even says ‘I so need a new Butler’ at one point. This development between the two is a shining moment in an already good comic.
Other characters get some attention in this comic as we see the fallout of Arkham City, and more get mentioned. Penguin makes a on panel appearance, making his plans, and Oracle is shown talking to Batman, although she doesn’t appear on panel, and the Scarecrow gets a tease with one full page. The big reveal is the Arkham Knight, who I didn’t expect to be in the first issue in this big of a way. He makes his presence known, and we learn a bit about him. He is someone that claims to have known Batman very well, and for a long time, and he seems keen on being the one to destroy him, as he even tries to save him at one point in the story. These developments will be interesting to see as the comic progresses.
Overall this is a great first issue to one of the best Super Hero video game series of all time, and seeing this universe in this form is a treat. The story starts off strong, and the art is amazing, and I cannot wait to see more of this title. Hopefully all of our questions about what happened after Arkham City shut down will get answered. I recommend everyone keep their eyes out for DC’s ‘Batman: Arkham Knight’ Tie in comic.