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Doctor Who: New Adventures of the 12th Doctor Review


Writer: Robbie Morrison

Artist: Brian Williamson

Colorist: Hi-Fi

Review by Native Gamer

In the first installment of Wacky Wednesday I present to you a Doctor Who Comic. This is issue 6 of the Twelfth Doctors adventures, with Clara Oswald as companion, and this issue starts a new story for us, titled ‘The Fractures’. The current run of Doctor Who comics is being printed by Titan Comics, and as a longtime fan of both the Doctor Who comics and television show I can honestly say I am impressed with the current run. Morrison has written a very faithful to the character story and the artists deliver in spades.

This story starts with a ‘Cold Opening’ with Kate Lethbridge-Stewart talking to the wife of a deceased U.N.I.T. scientist about his death, and how she and her daughter are dealing with it. The daughter, who is outside mourning on her swing, is distracted by a ribbon. She follows the Ribbon, and after the ribbon literally spells out ‘Pull Me’ she tugs the ribbon, which pulls a person through a portal, who reveals themselves to be, or at the very least look like, her dad. After a sweet moment between the two we are taken to the Doctor and Clara, as they were facing off against some alien army that is about to destroy another alien species, so basically a typical Wednesday for the Doctor. After some clever banter, and the enemy leader calling the Doctor some of his nicknames, the Oncoming Storm and the Bringer of Darkness, the Doctor defeats them. After everything is taken care of we learn the Doctor took her off on a ‘fifteen minute break’ from Coal Hill school, where she teaches English, two weeks ago and she is adamant they get back, after some quips from the Doctor they return to modern day London, and the issue really starts from there, as the Doctor and U.N.I.T. seek to figure out how to avert this next catastrophe.

The art style and color in this issue deserves high praise as well, as each panel really brings the characters to life. It’s always interesting to me, the Doctor Who comics, because they work with the framework of actors who already portray the character. This can be both a blessing and a curse, as yes, they are identifiable, but to portray the same amount of emotion that actor can portray on screen, and transfer that to panel, is a talent. One that is evident in spades in this artist. The fantastic art, coupled with the great writing, and you could almost forget your reading a comic at some points, and not just an episode of the show. As both capture the essence of the characters they are meant to express perfectly.

As the start to a new story, I loved it. Everything about this comic screams Doctor Who, and I cannot wait to see how The Doctor and Clara deal with everything around them. I think that comic books might be the perfect medium for the Doctor as well, as there is no time restrictions and they can flesh out the stories a bit more. This run by Morrison is one to keep your eyes on for sure, and I eagerly await my chance to read “The Fractures: part 2”. Also don’t forget to check in the back of the issue for the Humor Strip, always good for a laugh.

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