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Star Wars BattleFLOP? A Disaster in the making?


Well EA has already derailed the hype train. What started quickly as excitement to see EA and DICE remake one of the best 3rd person shooters available to gamerkind, has become a lackluster, laughing stock of what the franchise once was. Star Wars Battlefront II released for the PS2 and Original Xbox consoles on October 31st 2005, and was quickly considered among the best shooters of it's time easily rivaling Halo's 2 and 3, Gears of War 1, and the Battlefield series. It even was in quick competition with the success of Call of duty 4: Modern Warfare, when it released in 2007.

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So why have we been waiting a decade for a new release? Beats me, but the better question is why you shouldn't put any money into this title. Recently EA put it on record to tell the hopeful gamers at home what to expect out of this HD reboot to be. What we heard made us incredibly sad, like Crash and the Boys sad, like SOOOOOOOOOOO SAAAD!.. (thank you). I give you this long list of things EA has told us won't appear in the new battlefront title coming this fall.

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1. “There is no single player campaign, just a few missions depicting moments from the original trilogy that can be played solo or cooperatively.” This means that there is no hope for a good story line to totally wow the non competitive scene. This feels like EA trying to make a quick buck of a shooter with a title we knew back in the day. OR that EA is trying to find a way into the light of the MLG or something similar. I never hear talk about famous Battlefield players making any money...


2. “There is no galactic conquest mode.” You remember that mode in Battlefront II? We got to drive Ty Fighters and fight in really cool space battles, all the while having no earthly idea what we were doing? Yeah that's not happening in this game. I guess EA and DICE think there player base is too stupid to drive helicopters and fighter jets in battlefield so F star ship battles

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3. “The max player count is capped at 40 across all platforms.” Where Battlefield 4 on PC could hold up to 64 on a server and have massive battles, where seeing a smaller Cap for Battlefront. This is still a step up from the original Star wars battlefront games that maxed out at 20 players online. Take the good with the bad I guess But...

When asked whether bots would be featured, DICE responded with "no comment". NO COMMENT!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? Bots Literally made the Story Mode, Galactic Conquest and even the local multiplayer more fun to play then any shooter of it's time. If you have the balls to take out the only thing that made this game good outside of online play I will laugh as I clock into GameStop and watch gamer after gamer cancel there pre-order. I've already seen it begin, how many does it take to realize you've messed up EA?

4. “There are no space battles or fighting in orbit, and air units will be confined to the area above ground maps like in the Battlefield franchise.” Who didn't see this coming so basically all you're telling me is that I get to be a foot soldier with a few different layouts? Where have I heard that one before? EA I can't believe you're still in business... Will I at least be able to play as a Sith or a Jedi?

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5. “The game will launch with only 4 playable planets, though how many maps will be set on each is unclear.” Uggghghhh!!! So you're rushing out a piece of turd title with four available planets out of the ENTIRE STAR WARS GALAXY! You're going to let us play with 4 planets.. I smell a Season pass coming, a 50$ add on pack that will come with all the other crap you need to play this game online with your buddies, any way to scam their buyers out of two games worth of dough for a full games worth of content.


6. Only units and characters from the Original Trilogy will be featured. This one goes to all the Prequel haters out there. Thanks a lot, No Naboo Gungan vs Droid fight... no Clone War battles, no General Grievous. You guys happy now? They aren't even focusing on the stuff you people love to complain about all the freaken' time... This also means that there's nothing coming in relation to the new movie being made. I'm so done with this article..

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7. The AT-AT walkers shown in the trailer and promotional stills will not be player controlled, and will instead follow a scripted path across the battlefield. So there's no driving cool Star Wars Vehicles either... awesome.. Great Job EA you've made everyone hate this game now.. Where's my XBOX!

In conclusion I strongly advise all of you reading this to not even waste the 5$ to put down on this game, as it will be a flop the like of which we're beginning to expect from the yearly Sonic title, may that little blue hedgehog rest in piece. Till Next time, I'm Frank Wak.

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