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FOX to bring New Mutants to the X-Men Cinematic Universe!


With the success of Days of Future Past and the buzz surrounding both X-Men: Apocalypse and Deadpool growing, it doesn't surprise me in the least that Fox is looking to grow their Mutant universe. And what better way than take it to the core? With a working title of NEW MUTANTS, Josh Boone of 'Fault in my Stars' fame looks to direct. No details have been given as of yet, but the title alone sends the fanboys and girls heads a reelin'!

NEW MUTANTS was one of the first Marvel graphic novels (#4 to be exact) and it gain such a following that it blossomed into a series that lasted a hundred issues and continues to come back for more in new volumes and forms. The original story debuting back in 1982 followed a pack of young mutants (Cannonball, Sunspot, Wolvesbane, Karma and Dani Moonstar) that looked like and actually was an 80s version of an All New, All Different X-men; featuring a montage of nationalities and sexes. Much like the original students, they were brought in to learn to harness their abilities by their teacher Prof. Xavier; wearing the patented black and yellow jumpers through most of the first adventures. Later on, after the supposed death of member Karma, others were brought into this new class of mutants. And their numbers grew from there.


What mutants the movie will key on is hard to tell. But we have already seen two characters from the original series in Days of Future Past! Boo Boo Stewart played a future version of Warpath and Adan Cato played Sunspot. What others could we see?

WELL, personally I would like to see all of the originals show up in the movie. Cannonball, Wolvesbane and Moonstar completed the first team that became a tight-knit group and worked well together. Besides that, some fan favorite members that come to mind are Magik, Boom-Boom, Rictor, Skidds, Feral, Shatterstar, Cypher and maybe even the alien Warlock!

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But, more than likely we will see some of the young mutants showcased in earlier movies. A young version of any of the originals could make an appearance. Colossus as well as his sister Magik could join them. Blink who also showed up in DAYS could be included. Of course, don't forget young Havok who didn't get much face time in the last movie. The determining factor really is what era they place the movie in. If I had to guess, they will either come to the present or do a 90s version of the mutants since they will be in the 80s in APOCALYPSE. If they set it in a more present day setting, a lot of those we see in APOCALYPSE as young mutants won't be young anymore. IF that's the case, get ready for a whole new set. THAT would be my guess, but who knows?

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Of course, everybody expects this to segue into X-Force and a Cable appearance. Not sure about that.


There is not date decided upon but Fox still has an 'unspecified X-Men Project' planned for July 13, 2018. I'm hoping we don't have to wait that long. Simon Kinsberg and Lauren Shuler Donner will be producing, of course.

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