Marvel Monday: Uncanny Inhumans #0 Review
Writer: Charles Soule Penciler: Steve Mcniven Inker: Jay Leisten Colorist: Justin Ponsor A new series for the Uncanny Inhumans, which...

Convergence: Week 3
Covergence: Adventures of Superman #1 (Wolfman, Viacava, Owens, Sotocolor) Let me be the first to say, MARV WOLFMAN!! This was...

Convergence: Aquaman #1 (Bedard, Richards, Rauch) The cover art really turned me off to begin with. Luckily the art inside, done by Cliff...

TDK Cosplay: The cosplay that Tulsa deserves
Here in the city of Tulsa (our home base city) there is only one guy that comes to mind when we think of Batman, TDK Cosplay! At...

Convergence: Week One
Round one of DC’s super-arc, Convergence, pits five cities from different worlds and different time lines against each other. The five...

DARK KNIGHT RISES VS IRON MAN 3 Are they the same movie?
I was rewatching Dark Knight Rises the other night and began to realize something I had not thought about before. There were a myriad of...

I remember the heyday of Legion of Super-Heroes
Even before it exploded in the eighties and spawned a direct sales version, I cut my comic teeth on the legion. Back in the day (If I can...

Get Real!
The comic movie wars are on. With DC/Warner making the big push with Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice and a whole parade of Justice...

Fatal 8: The Komplete Package for the FGC
NetherRealms Studios has done the impossible. they've made me excited for a Mortal Kombat Game. The Story looks good, The Gameplay looks...

Do you have what it takes to be the Top Caster?
Imagine a game where all the types of people you see in the chat rooms on Twitch became the enemy: the troll, the lurker, the raider,...