FOX to bring New Mutants to the X-Men Cinematic Universe!
With the success of Days of Future Past and the buzz surrounding both X-Men: Apocalypse and Deadpool growing, it doesn't surprise me in...

Is it time to let go? Legends, Death and moving on
With everything in comicdom in flux, it's really left my head reeling about the future of the medium. My article on Marvel's changes in...

Marvel has big changes for Mutants! WHY?
(Included are spoilers to Uncanny Avengers Vol 2 #4 and post SECRET WARS X-Men) Early last year the murmurings began; Marvel was going...

Raven Beauty Cosplay stops in for a chit chat!
Welcome to another awesome cosplay interview! This week we had the always lovely privilage of talking with Raven Beauty Cosplay! Being a...

The BEST Marvel comics...THIS WEEK (4/29)
(special thanks to COMIX4FREE.COM for the above graphic!) I have to be honest with you. I haven’t been a very avid reader of comics for...

Star Wars BattleFLOP? A Disaster in the making?
Well EA has already derailed the hype train. What started quickly as excitement to see EA and DICE remake one of the best 3rd person...

Are we being trolled by Marvel and DC? The state of comics in reboot
I know, I know! It's NOT a reboot. Whatever. The facts are both companies, Marvel and DC, are on a collision course with massive course...

Doctor Who: New Adventures of the 12th Doctor Review
Writer: Robbie Morrison Artist: Brian Williamson Colorist: Hi-Fi Review by Native Gamer In the first installment of Wacky Wednesday I...

Tuesday Tie-Ins: Batman Arkham Knight
Story and Words: Peter J. Tomasi Pencils: Victor Bogdanovic Inks: Art Thibert Color: John Rauch Letters: Travis Lanham Cover: Dan...

Marketing Nerdom to girls: About time or wrong approach?
Brace Yourselves: the Marketing Blitz is coming With the heated discussions on Facebook and Twitter, it's hard not to get drawn into the...